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Research and analysis bulletins

Our Research & Analysis Bulletins are aimed at all those with an interest in the quality of probation and youth justice services, presenting key findings to assist with informed debate and promote excellence in probation and youth justice services. 

The bulletins present findings from analysis of our inspection data and from new primary research projects.


26 inspections and research

The quality of public protection work in probation – 2022 to 2023 inspections

This bulletin provides an update on our 2018 research report on the quality of work by probation services to protect the public.

The quality of pre-sentence information and advice provided to courts – 2022 to 2023 inspections

The focus in this bulletin is upon the extent to which the Probation Service have been able to provide courts with advice which is sufficiently analytical, personalised to the individual, and supports the court’s decision making.

The supervision of care-experienced children within the youth justice system

The focus in this bulletin is to provide evidence about care-experienced children’s involvement with YJSs from the perspectives of both professionals and children.

The interventions landscape for probation services: delivery, challenges and opportunities

The focus in this bulletin is upon the probation interventions landscape, providing an overview of how well the post-unification landscape is operating for those on the frontline, and considering good practices and areas for improvement.

Frontline leadership in probation and youth justice

The focus in this bulletin is the need for operational middle managers in probation and youth justice services – the frontline leaders – to be able to focus upon leading, inspiring, and developing their teams to bring out the best in practitioners, in turn supporting the aims of reducing reoffending and protecting the public.

The role of engagement for positive outcomes

The focus of this bulletin is upon the role which engagement can play in supporting positive outcomes for people on probation.

Examining the links between probation supervision and positive outcomes – completion and proven reoffending

This bulletin examines the relationships between inspectors’ judgements regarding the quality of delivery and later output/outcome measures in the form of sentence completion and proven reoffending.

Examining the links between probation supervision and positive outcomes – early progress

This bulletin examines the relationships between inspectors’ judgements regarding the quality of delivery and their judgements regarding early outcomes.

The links between the quality of supervision and positive outcomes for people on probation

Three complementary bulletins which utilise our inspection datasets and examine the relationships between inspectors’ judgements regarding the quality of differing aspects of probation supervision and later output/outcome measures.

Exploring Contextual Safeguarding in youth justice services

The focus of this bulletin is to explore how Contextual Safeguarding is being used or understood within the youth justice context, considering enablers/barriers and the perceived benefits/limitations, and setting out recommendations for further integration.