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Academic insights

Academic Insights are aimed at all those interested in research and developments in the evidence base for high-quality probation and youth justice services.

We commission leading academics to present their views on specific topics, assisting with informed debate and aiding understanding of what helps and what hinders the delivery of services.

Crucially, evidence-based practice is supported by blending key findings and insights from a range of models, disciplines and types of research, as well as from across jurisdictions. 

The views expressed in the papers do not necessarily reflect the policy position of HM Inspectorate of Probation.


58 inspections and research

Serious youth violence and its relationship with adverse childhood experiences

This report focuses on findings from recent research in Manchester which explored adverse childhood experiences, serious youth violence, trauma-informed practice, and youth participation.

Getting out for Good: Preventing Gangs Through Participation

This report summarises the research evidence on girls and gangs, and how this has been utilised to develop the ‘Getting out for Good’ project which combines gender-specific mentoring with sporting and cultural activities.

Experiences and pathways of children in care in the youth justice system

This report explores the range of barriers and enablers to supporting children in care, impacting upon their positive development and life chances.

Supporting children’s meaningful participation in the youth justice system

This report focuses on children’s participation in decision-making in youth justice systems.

Traumatic Brain Injury

This report explores the prevalence of traumatic brain injury in people in the criminal justice system and its link to offending.

Neurodiversity – a whole-child approach for youth justice

This report summarises the evidence base around neurodiversity and the lessons for those working in youth justice and youth offending services.

Risk and Desistance: A Blended Approach to Risk Management

This report explores a blended approach which combines practice to manage risk with practice to enhance desistance.

Social capital building supporting the desistance process

This report summarises the concept of social capital and how increases in the strength, range and quality of bonding, bridging and linking opportunities can be beneficial in supporting the desistance process.

Exploring procedural justice and problem-solving practice in Youth Court

This report provides an overview of procedural justice, the links to legitimacy, and the research evidence for its positive effects on engagement and cooperation.

Mentoring and peer mentoring

This report summarises the evidence base in relation to mentoring and peer mentoring, with a focus upon its potential for supporting and empowering individuals to desist from offending.