Other websites
Ministry of Justice research publications
Youth Justice Board research publications
Youth Justice Resource Hub (Research and Evaluation Resources)
The Butler Trust Knowledge Exchange
What Works Crime Reduction Toolkit
Reducing Reoffending Evidence Reviews
Campbell Collaboration Evidence
Youth Endowment Fund Evidence and Gap Map (and toolkit)
Risk Assessment Tools Evaluation Directory (RATED)
Children and young people in conflict with the law: policy, practice and legislation in Scotland
Selected key publications
Effective practices in probation supervision: A systematic literature review (2020) (PDF, 5 MB)
An Evidence Review of Recidivism and Policy Responses (2020)
Transforming Rehabilitation: a summary of evidence on reducing reoffending (2014) (PDF, 428 kB)
Changing Lives? Desistance Research and Offender Management (2010)
Council of Europe Probation Rules Commentary (2010)
Youth justice
Developing Effective Relationships Between Youth Justice Workers and Young People: A Synthesis of the Evidence (PDF, 2 MB) (2021)
Collaborative approaches to preventing offending and re-offending in children (CAPRICORN) (2019)
What Works in Managing Young People who Offend? A Summary of the International Evidence (2016)
Probation and youth justice
Desistance from Crime: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice (2021)
What Works to Reduce Reoffending: A Summary of the Evidence (2015) (PDF, 1 MB)