Northamptonshire probation service has a ‘bright future’ but ‘Requires improvement’
Northamptonshire Probation Delivery Unit (PDU)* has received an overall rating of ‘Requires improvement’ following an inspection by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation.
Chief Inspector of Probation Justin Russell said: “Like every probation area, Northamptonshire has been hit hard by the pandemic, but it is doing better than others we have inspected to restore services to acceptable levels. Although waiting times for people on probation to access services or start unpaid work and other requirements are too long and work to manage risk of harm needs to improve, the service had strong leadership and committed staff who were engaging well with the people they supervise. I am confident the foundations are in place for the service to push on to a better future.”
Although inspectors found impressive arrangements for exchanging information with police domestic abuse units and local council child safeguarding teams, other aspects of work to manage the risks that people on probation may pose to others needed improvement. Less than half the cases inspected were found to be satisfactory on all aspects of this critical part of probation supervision.
However, the service has navigated the challenges of Covid-19 and the transition to the Probation Service well and emerged with a stable, committed workforce and good leadership. Caseloads were lower than found in other areas and the service was praised for the advice it provided to courts separately rated as ‘Outstanding’ – and in their dedicated work with women on probation, and with the local police force and partners in children’s safeguarding.
This inspection made ten recommendations as a result of this inspection. Five of the recommendations were aimed at making improvements at a local level, such as ensuring staff at the probation service are using information about safeguarding and risk of harm effectively. Additionally, leaders at the service are advised to better communicate their priorities to all staff.
*Probation Delivery Units (PDUs) replaced Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) and the National Probation Service (NPS), which merged into a unified Probation Service in June 2021.
Notes to editor
- *Probation Delivery Units (PDUs) replaced Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) and the National Probation Service (NPS), which merged into a unified Probation Service in June 2021.
- Northamptonshire PDU sits within the Probation Service – East of England region.
- The report is available on our website on 17 May 2022 00.01.
- HM Inspectorate of Probation is the independent inspector of youth offending and probation services across England and Wales.
- The Inspectorate uses a four-point scale: ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires improvement’ and ‘Inadequate’. The Inspectorate rates specific aspects of each service and also gives an overall rating.
- Fieldwork for this inspection took place in March 2022.
- For media enquiries, please contact Corporate Communications Manager Diane Bramall 07929 790 564 or (E-mail address)