The links between the quality of supervision and positive outcomes for people on probation
Three complementary bulletins which utilise our inspection datasets and examine the relationships between inspectors’ judgements regarding the quality of differing aspects of probation supervision and later output/outcome measures.
- Research & Analysis Bulletin 2023/03:This bulletin examines the relationships between inspectors’ judgements regarding the quality of delivery and their judgements regarding early outcomes. The findings are based upon case assessment data from inspections conducted across England and Wales between October 2021 and May 2023.
- Research & Analysis Bulletin 2023/04: This bulletin examines the relationships between inspectors’ judgements regarding the quality of delivery and later output/outcome measures in the form of sentence completion and proven reoffending. The findings are based upon case assessment data from inspections conducted across England and Wales between June 2018 and July 2019, matched to terminations data from the nDelius probation case management system and to proven reoffending data from an extract of the Police National Computer database.
- Research & Analysis Bulletin 2023/05: The focus of this bulletin is upon the role which engagement can play in supporting positive outcomes for people on probation. The findings are based on a random sample of 100 cases inspected during 2022, where the summary judgements made by inspectors in relation to sufficiency of engagement were examined, alongside commentary to support judgements on the sufficiency of early outcomes.