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Professor Ioan Durnescu / Professor Faye S. Taxman


University of Bucharest / George Mason University

  1. Establish community corrections as a standalone sanction focused on desistance and rehabilitation
  2. Focus on relationship building, culture change, and community support
  3. Promote fair and just treatment
  4. Invest in individuals, families, communities, and community corrections
We need to be focused much more upon the power behind helping people make meaningful changes and the power in building that village


Professor Ioan Durnescu

Ian is Professor in the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work at the University of Bucharest, Romania. He teaches and conducts research in relation to probation, prisons and resettlement. His special interest is comparative probation. He is the author of Core Correctional Skills: The Training Kit, and is one of the editors of Probation in Europe (WOLF, 2008), Understanding penal practice (Routledge, 2013) and Probation: 12 Essential Questions (Palgrave, 2016).

He is also co-editor of the European Journal of Probation, a journal published by the University of Bucharest in partnership with SAGE Publishing. He is a member of a number of prestigious organisations such as the Confederation of European Probation (CEP) and the European Society of Criminology.

Professor Faye S. Taxman

Faye is a University Professor at George Mason University, USA, as well as Director of the Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence. She is recognised for her work in the development of the seamless systems of care models that link the criminal justice with other service delivery systems, as well as reengineering probation and parole supervision services, and organisational change models.

Her work covers the breadth of the justice system from prisons to community corrections and adult and juvenile offenders. She has published more than 200 articles, and is author of numerous books including Implementing Evidence-Based Community Corrections and Addiction Treatment (Springer, 2012 with Steven Belenko), as well as being one of the editors of The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice (Routledge, 2020).

She is co-Editor of Health & Justice and Perspectives (a publication of the American Probation and Parole Association). In 2018, she was appointed a Fellow of the American Society of Criminology.