Memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the oversight of youth justice services across England and Wales
Memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the oversight of youth justice services across England and Wales (PDF, 227.7 KB)
The MoU sets out for the public the key roles and responsibilities of the Inspectorate and the YJB in the monitoring, inspection, and oversight of youth justice services across England and Wales.
It outlines an agreement between us as organisations on how we will work together to achieve the most effective oversight and understanding of the youth justice system. It summarises the key interfaces between us, as well as providing clarity on how information will be shared and utilised.
It is intended to provide clarity for the sector on the roles and responsibilities of each of us as agencies engaged directly in the oversight, monitoring, and inspection of youth justice services.
The MoU is available below and has gone live following joint training and briefings for Inspectorate and YJB staff. Any queries or questions relating to the MoU please contact Kate Langley: Director of Operations (South) or Andrea Brazier: Head of Youth Inspection Programme