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Consultation on the probation inspection framework in response to ‘Probation Reset’

Consultation opened:
Consultation closed:

On 01 July 2024, the Probation Service introduced operational changes under its ‘Probation Reset’ arrangements. These measures represent significant changes to service delivery, with contact between individuals and the Probation Service being suspended where criteria are met. 

To ensure our independent inspections remain fair and proportionate, we are proposing some changes to our inspection work where contact has been suspended.  

In this consultation, we are asking for your views on our proposals, with the aim of continuing our focus on engagement, desistance, and keeping people safe.

We are asking you to review our plans and respond to five questions that will help shape our approach, as well as requesting your comments on any other aspects of our proposals.

Consultation response

This consultation is now closed, and we are reviewing all the feedback we have received and will be publishing our response, along with our revised standards, as soon as possible.