Consultation on the future of adult inspections (part one)
Consultation on the future of adult inspections (part one) (PDF, 394.6 KB)
In this consultation we are asking for your views on how we reconfigure our standards and how we deliver, rate and report on our inspections of probation services to reflect the new landscape from next year.
We are currently considering the appropriate timeframe for starting our new inspection framework and will include more details on this in our second consultation in early 2021.
The proposed changes will enable our inspection regime to best fit the new delivery model for probation. In making the changes we will continue to provide a proportionate approach to inspection, working with those who deliver services to drive improvement and identify effective practice.
This is the first of two consultations. This consultation focusses on our broad approach and closes on 30 August. It will be followed in early 2021 by a further consultation on the detail of what we develop. We would like to hear your views on our proposed broad approach, and I hope you will take the opportunity to respond.