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Consultation on HM Inspectorate of Probation quality assurance of Serious Further Offence reviews

Consultation opened:
Consultation closed:

In May 2020, we published our thematic inspection report on the Serious Further Offences (SFO) investigation and review process. We examined the way probation services review and learn lessons in these cases. Inspectors also looked at how HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) quality assure those reviews and use information to improve national policies and practice. Victims and their families were asked about their experiences too.

In June 2020, responding to our thematic inspection, the Secretary of State for Justice asked HM Inspectorate of Probation to provide ongoing independent oversight as part of the SFO quality assurance process.

We will commence this work in April 2021. In this consultation we are seeking your views on our proposed approach which we are currently developing in collaboration with the HMPPS SFO team.

We are particularly interested in views on the consideration given to victims and how we engage with other criminal justice agencies. I hope you will take the opportunity to respond.

Consultation response

This consultation is now closed, we will be publishing our response shortly.