Our effective practice guides highlight examples of positive work observed during our thematic or regional probation inspections.
These guides are intended to support practitioners, middle managers, and strategic leaders to reflect on their own experiences and consider how they may apply the key learning points from each inspection in their own contexts.
We define effective practice as ‘where we see our standards delivered well, in practice’.
Our standards are based on a set of principles that effective probation and youth justice services should meet to deliver high-quality practice. They are based on established models and frameworks, and are grounded in evidence, learning and experience.
We have a duty to identify and disseminate effective practice.
This is embedded in legislation:
- For adult services – Section 7 of the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2000), as amended by the Offender Management Act (2007), section 12(3)(a).
- For youth services – inspection and reporting on youth justice teams is established under section 39 of the Crime and Disorder Act (1998).
We assure the quality of youth justice and probation provision and test its effectiveness. Critically, we make recommendations designed to highlight and disseminate best practice, challenge poor performance, and encourage providers to improve.
Effective practice guide library
Find our latest effective practice guides and resources, topics include thematic, regional spotlights and approved premises.