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Managing conflicts of interest


All members of staff, and anyone undertaking work on our behalf, are required to declare any potential, actual, or perceived conflict of interest, where the independence and impartiality of the Inspectorate may be called into question. We maintain a register of all such declared conflict of interests.


Where there is a potential, actual, or perceived conflict of interest between any staff member and a specific area of inspection, that staff member will not attend the inspection, nor contribute to or seek to influence the inspection and/or the published report. In all cases where a potential, actual, or perceived conflict of interest is considered to exist, a record of any discussion and decisions made will be kept.

HM Chief Inspector of Probation

Where there is a potential, actual, or perceived conflict of interest between the Chief Inspector and a specific area of inspection; authority for that inspection will, in accordance with the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000, be delegated to a member of the Inspectorate specified by the Chief Inspector. That member of staff will appoint a lead inspector to conduct the inspection, and then once completed will be responsible for the sign off of the inspection report. The delegated authority will also lead on all media coverage related to that report. The inspection will be carried out independently from the Chief Inspector who will not attend the inspection, nor contribute to or seek to influence the inspection and/or the published report. In all cases where a potential, actual, or perceived conflict of interest is considered to exist, a record of any discussion and decisions made will be kept.

Please note that there are no registered conflicts for the Chief Inspector, Martin Jones or the Chief Operating Officer, Marc Baker.