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North East Lincolnshire Youth Offending Service rated ‘Good’ after ‘significant change’.


North East Lincolnshire Youth Offending Service (YOS) has received an overall rating of ‘Good’ following an inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation

Chief Inspector of Probation Justin Russell said: “North East Lincolnshire Youth Offending Service impressed us during this inspection – in particular, the way they are helping children who have been involved in harmful sexual behaviour, substance misuse or need mental health support.

“Staff at the service are motivated and dedicated; their work to tackle the risks around county lines crimes is to be commended and can only benefit those children at risk of exploitation and help protect local communities.”

The report outlines the continuous improvements that are being made by this YOS and commends the way they work successfully with partner organisations, such as the police and health services. Additionally, North East Lincolnshire YOS consistently reviews its own practice and works with other local youth justice services for independent scrutiny.

Inspectors were particularly impressed with how the service and their partners work with children eligible for out-of-court disposals. In particular, the service and police are successfully and appropriately using ‘Outcome 22’ to enable children to be offered support and intervention without receiving a criminal sanction.

The report makes eight recommendations to North East Lincolnshire YOS, including that they should improve their management of resettlement cases (when a child has been released from custody), not least to ensure all partners are involved and held accountable at each stage of the process.


Notes to editor

North East Lincolnshire YOS work with children aged 10 to 17. The majority of children under their supervision are aged 15 to 17 (79%), male (76%) and white (100%). The YJS supervise children with complex needs and some in the care of the local authority.

  1. The Inspectorate uses a four-point scale: ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires improvement’ and ‘Inadequate’, rating specific aspects of each service and giving an overall rating.
  2. The inspection looked at standards of organisational delivery (leadership, staffing and facilities), their management of children serving court sentences (court disposals) and children serving cautions or community sentences (out-of-court disposals). It also rated the quality of resettlement work as ‘Requires improvement’.
  3. The report is available on the HM Inspectorate of Probation website on 27 September 2022 00.01.
  4. HM Inspectorate of Probation is the independent inspector of youth offending and probation services across England and Wales.
  5. Fieldwork for this inspection took place in May 2022.
  6. For media enquiries, please contact Head of Communications Diane Bramall (E-mail address)