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Probation service in Hull and East Riding ‘Requires improvement’


The probation service, also known as a Probation Delivery Unit (PDU*), in Hull and East Riding has been rated as ‘Requires improvement’ following an inspection by HM Inspectorate of Probation.

This inspection is one of four carried out in the Probation Service – Yorkshire and the Humber region. The other three are Sheffield PDU (rated ‘Inadequate’), Kirklees PDU (rated ‘Inadequate’) and North and North East Lincolnshire PDU (rated ‘Requires improvement’). These reports were published on 30 March 2023.

Chief Inspector of Probation Justin Russell said: “The inspection of Hull and East Riding PDU resulted in a mixed bag of findings. On the one hand they have a well-respected management team, enthusiastic frontline staff and some excellent work with people on probation. But, on the other hand, they are understaffed and therefore struggling with high workloads, and I have concerns over whether the risk of harm people on probation may pose is being properly assessed. However, the rating of ‘Requires improvement’ reflects their determination to progress.”

Like many probation services the Inspectorate has visited in the past 18 months, Hull and East Riding PDU is having difficultly retaining and recruiting staff. At the time of our inspection the vacancy rate for probation officers was 27 per cent. This is being addressed, and the service hopes to have a full complement of Probation Officers by the end of 2023. However, it is important to acknowledge that new recruits will need time to train, develop and gain the knowledge of their more experienced colleagues.

The inspection noted that Hull and East Riding PDU is doing some excellent work with people on probation and ensuring that appropriate services and programmes are in place to prevent reoffending. However, we found this work to be inconsistent and in too many cases not enough attention is being paid to managing the risk of harm posed to the local community. Inspectors want to see professional curiosity at the forefront of a probation officer’s work – making enquiries about domestic abuse in all cases and working with children’s services to safeguard children identified to be at risk.

Mr Russell continued: “We are encouraging probation officers at Hull and East Riding PDU to delve deeper and pose difficult questions, and we ask more senior staff to provide guidance and training to support this aim. Given their experienced and respected leadership and committed staff group they have the foundations to become an effective probation service, both in terms of managing people on probation and protecting the public, and I know they will embrace this challenge over the forthcoming months.”

This inspection made five recommendations, including that the service ensures cases are allocated to staff with appropriate qualifications and/or experience, and improve the quality of work around assessing risk of harm and keeping people safe. Two of the five recommendations are for the regional probation service, including that they ensure Senior Probation Officers have the capacity and resource to have effective management oversight of casework.