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Consultation on probation inspection standards

Consultation opened:
Consultation closed:
Response published:
Open document

This consultation covers our proposed changes to the Probation Inspection Standards Framework.

In 2021 we began our revised inspections of the way that probation services are delivered following the unification of provision into one national probation service. We focus on the things that make a difference to the quality of probation services and we target recommendations to drive improvement where it is needed. To achieve this, we focus our core inspections on the quality of work being done with individual people on probation including assessment and planning by probation practitioners and whether these plans are then delivered in practice, including the range and quality of services and interventions delivered. We do this through our inspection of local probation delivery areas (PDUs).

Our first year of inspection has demonstrated the breadth and complexity of provision involved in delivering local services through a national and regional infrastructure. We have reported on the delivery of services provided by PDUs, but we want to better capture the arrangements and activity at a regional level alongside our local PDU inspections. This will give a fuller picture of provision and what drives the delivery that we see at PDU level, enabling better accountability and targeting of recommendations.

In order to achieve this, we need to inspect probation regions alongside our PDU inspections in that region. In this consultation we are asking for views on proposed standards for the leadership, staffing and services organised and managed at regional level (what we call our domain one standards), and our streamlined PDU standards and how we make our judgements.

The proposed changes will enable our inspection regime to better fit the unified delivery model for probation. In making the changes we will continue to provide a proportionate approach to inspection and allow ourselves and those who provide probation services to drive improvement and identify effective practice.

This consultation focusses on our standards and closes at midnight on 21 st August 2022. We would like to hear your views on our proposals, and I hope you will take the opportunity to respond.